Sunday, June 17, 2007


Well I agree it took me a long time but I've finally jumped onto the Borat bandwagon. I wanted to see the movie for a long time but somehow could not find the time. Finally I managed to see the movie yesterday. I obviously couldn't watch it with my parents around so I had to stay up late at night to watch. But it was worth it!!!
Firstly, I loved the movie's name. To state it in full, it is: Borat, Cultural learnings of America for make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan (Hopefully I've got it right). What a name!! And then of course the movie itself. I've never seen such a vulgar, obscene, gross and yet completely brilliant movie in my whole life! And mind you, I've seen quite a few of the above stated genre but somehow Borat towers above everything else. The movie starts off brilliantly with a scene depicting Borat's house in Kazakhstan and then reaches greater heights. I loved the live gags in the news studio and also the fake interview with the feminists. Another scene I loved was where he dines with a few high society people. Absolutely hilarious! And though the scenes in which Borat and Azamat go running around (and a lot else mind you) naked in the hotel are mind bogglingly gross and makes an ugly contortion to appear on your face , which was last seen when you were four years old and were force-fed green leafy vegetables , it still remains a very good movie. I know many will loathe and despise it but for the ones who can take it, it is an unforgettable experience. So if you think you belong to the latter category, go out and get a print of Borat. And if you belong to the former, I advise you to kindly stay away.

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