Saturday, February 10, 2007

I'm back

Just when all of you thought that I've left the blogosphere for good, I'm back to trouble you!! Why? Well that's a question that even I can't answer... Maybe the only reason why I'm back is that I like shocking people now & then by doing something that they I'd never thought do. Though of course this doesn't even compare to the last shocking thing I did- which was getting up at six in the morning today. Yep, on a saturday. In fact I was so shocked that I immediately went to sleep again, hence my virtuoso performance went unnoticed by the rest of the world.
Well so much for why I'm back. Another interesting question would be what the hell WAS I doing for so long? Well the last time I made a post was on November 30 last year. But since then there have been many occasions on which I've felt like writing a post & have even managed to come up with a title for a few of them. But unfortunately due to the lack of internet access, an extremely long bout of laziness (Hell, I was more active than this during the first six months of my existence) & a general disregard about my blog has lead to this enormous delay.
Publishing the posts which I should have made earlier at this time makes no sense. Hence I wont be doing that. Those posts are now forever lost to mankind. However I shall try to take care that the next time I feel like writing, I'll actually go ahead and publish it without being fettered by my laziness. But that's not a promise. In fact it's also very unlikely since I'm getting bored of this whole blogging business already.....

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