Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hello World

Well since a long time I've felt a bit out of sync with the times since I didn't have a blog of my own (also because I can't see TV at the hostel but let's not get into that). Therefore I've decided to start my own blog. Another reason was that a new year is starting and hence I would've had to buy a new diary anyways so blogging seemed to be a cheaper option. Also I was never too regular with my diary writing and often ended up with backlogs of upto a week or sometimeseven more, so blogging seemed to be the obvious way to go.
Since I've started a blog just like that, I initially wanted to name it Just For the Heck of it. But I decided against it and thought that the title should reflect more about my life. That's why the name - College, Cricket and Crap. It sums up my current life pretty well. College because that's where I spend most of my day. Cricket because that's what I think of all the time I'm in college & Crap because that's what usually happens when I do so. And also because in life, with sincere apologies to the millions who've already said this, SHIT HAPPENS.
I hope you like the blog(though I don't give much of a damn even if you don't). Feel free to send in your comments about the blog. You can also mail me at

1 comment:

kapeesh saraf said...

way to go, dude....
nice first post.